In Turkey, one coup can hide another…
Erdogan is as of now adulated as the saviour of democracy and considered in the West as the President of a government “determined in the fight against the Islamic State”.
When one knows how the AKP-branded Turkey supports the Islamic State… Weapon supplies, logistical support, infiltrating European Jihadists into Syria, oil traffic…
When one observes the purges that are now happening in the country… Beginning with the judiciary branch, directly and immediately hit, then the administration, up to the education system… Only few hours after the failed military uprising, the saviour of the democracy hadlaid off thousands of civil servants and 2.745 judges… Two thousand seven hundred and forty-five! Dismissal, on what basis? Were the judges in the streets with weapons in their hands? How could it have been possible to establish such a list in only a few hours? This list must have existed well before the start of the uprising…
The high-ranking officers, apparently quite a large panel, from the infantry, the armoured divisions and the air force – officers in the purest kemalist tradition – were seemingly convinced that their movement would be followed by a population animated by this nationalist ideal, very developed in Turkey, and by republican values, so as to save the state of law and the secularism from the rampant islamisation (or “Erdoganisation”) of the country.
They have very clearly wrongly understood the popularity of Erdogan and the proportion of islamisation of the population itself – manifestly transforming its identity.
Concerning the citizens that do not support the AKP, but nonetheless went onto the streets to “defend democracy”; they resemble the Egyptians who applauded al-Sissi military coup with both hands…
They thought that the military would re-establish the democracy in Cairo; and nowadays they find themselves living in one of the worst dictatorships of the planet.
The Turkish citizens believed that they were defending the democracy when they rose up against the kemalist insurrection; and they managed to anchor the Islamist dictatorship to the power – which their brothers in mind in Egypt feared and aimed to avert.
The saviour of democracy exulted: “In a democracy, if the people want to see heads roll, then they shall roll!” – the death penalty lives again!
Turkey, a country oscillating between its kemalist tradition, ardently defended all along the 20th century, and a long gone past, the Ottoman caliphate – as pushed for by the AKP…
The current affairs of the Muslim and Arab world do not cease to surprise… One could nearly forget the ongoing revolution occurring in Bahrain; also the media is not interested anymore in the “failed-statization” in Libya…
As for the second anniversary of the massacre in Gaza, it has been entirely forgotten… Certainly, it was already two years ago… And there were only 2.000 civilian victims… Who, furthermore, were Palestinians…
There is an increasing number of reasons to consider the Palestinian struggle for self-determination as a lost cause… The Palestinian armed resistance has declined and only a handful of frenzied fighters still take actions against the occupation forces (the term to be used according to international law), guaranteed to lose their lives if they do so, whilst the international community has clearly given up and just lets is happen, lets everything happen…
Absolutely everything.