IRAK / SYRIE – Entretien exclusif – Là où Frodon Sacquet a terrassé le Mordor
Il s’appelle Maher Kurdi. Il était berger et menait ses moutons sur les vastes plaines…
Il s’appelle Maher Kurdi. Il était berger et menait ses moutons sur les vastes plaines…
La grande majorité des médias, européens et états-uniens du moins, ont habitué leur public à…
The big majority of the European and American media organisations are in the habit of,…
Iraqi armed forces continue pushing the battle to recapture Mosul. The city was…
Iraq is known around the world as the cradle of civilization despite of the various…
Mosul is one of the largest cities in Iraq and it is located 400 kilometres…
Fallujah, the Iraqi city is located 60 km north-west of the capital city Baghdad. The…
A question that one might come across here and there, that requires a lucid answer,…
The fall of the city of Mosul, 465km North West of Baghdad, at the hands…
Depuis 2003, la République islamique d’Iran a spectaculairement accru son influence en Irak et, profitant…