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After almost 5 years of independence and very high quality analysis, the MOC is no longer able to self-finance. Independence has a cost. Quality journalism is not free. Help us to save the MOC.

Découvrez Le dernier des Livres, un roman haletant signé Kamal A. Bouayed !


A Change in Policy?

During the recent Memorial Day Holiday Weekend in the United States (May 28th) the Biden Administration released its proposed Budget…


A Change in Policy?

During the recent Memorial Day Holiday Weekend in the United States (May 28th) the Biden Administration released its proposed Budget…


A month on

We are now more than thirty days into the conflict between Hamas and Israel. There are some troubling signs that…

Arab World

We are now more than thirty days into the conflict between Hamas and Israel. There…


Algeria’s Foreign Minister visits Washington One of the less reported diplomatic moves over the last…

Latin America

In March of this year, the Colombian army carried out a bombardment in the San José del Guaviare area against insurgent structures, carried out based on information provided by Colombian intelligence


Sudan: The Uneven Path to Peace

The most important actions should be taken politically, if not militarily at international level, a decisive peace process to put…


Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan

Sudan’s ongoing war has generated what can be described as the worst humanitarian crisis ever happened, resulting from the ferocious…


Sudan: The Uneven Path to Peace

The most important actions should be taken politically, if not militarily at international level, a decisive peace process to put…


Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan

Sudan’s ongoing war has generated what can be described as the worst humanitarian crisis ever happened, resulting from the ferocious…


A month on

We are now more than thirty days into the conflict between Hamas and Israel. There are some troubling signs that…


A Crazy Ending to August

Generally speaking the month of August is seen as being tranquil. This is the month when most Europeans go on…


Parfum de guerre au Moyen-Orient

DERNIERE MINUTE : Le Général iranien Qassim Suleimani, commandant de la Force Al-Qods du Corps des Gardiens de la révolution…


Parfum de guerre au Moyen-Orient

DERNIERE MINUTE : Le Général iranien Qassim Suleimani, commandant de la Force Al-Qods du Corps des Gardiens de la révolution…